Note: Some of my earlier trips used Java Script for slide shows. On some of those destinations I have added an alternate linkage for those with java script disabled. Those without the alternate link are best viewed with Java Script enabled. Now I am making slide shows that utilize clicks. This method requires a bit more programming, but I think provides a more flexible viewing experience and avoids using Java Script. In addition, I have started including at the end of my story some links to some of the destinations I visited to assist others who may wish to visit there.
E-mail comments, problems, etc. or if you want on a mailing list to be alerted to new entries as I update the trips.

Or you may want to see my Family Tree

Crested Caracara
Scissor Tail

Scissor Tail

blue Footed Boody
Scissor Tail



Brown Pelican

Sand Hill Crane

Whooping Crane



Roseate Spoonbill
whistling Duck

Red winged blackbird